I need a clue. What is my mission for the day? What clue do I need to direct me to my cross today?
What’s the first thing I thought of this morning? What’s the thing I dread? The thought eating at me? Did someone hurt me yesterday, or last week? Am I still thinking about it?
Take it to God now in prayer. Right now. That is the first step in taking up my cross, my first clue to begin the day.
What am I pretending not to know?
Forgiving is almost always the first thing. Forgive in Advance.
If I practice viewing my circumstances as lessons, each day offers opportunity to learn more about myself and God. Speak lord. The state of mind I need to reach for is the peace of the Lord.
Psalm 131 O Lord, my heart is not proud, nor do I have a haughty look. I do not have great aspirations, or concern myself with things that are beyond me. Indeed I am composed and quiet, like a young child carried by its mother; I am content like the young child I carry. O Israel, hope in the Lord now and forevermore!
If this evades me, read Christian Meditation.
Happy carrying!