Come Follow Me, Matthew 4:12-25

‘ Come follow me,’ most probably the first disciples knew who Jesus was by reputation well before he called them. They also recognized the honor of a rabbi’s call and that it was no small event to be called by the most special of all rabbis. My call is to live for him daily instead of myself. I might not literally leave my profession or families, but as I receive his call, I must stop living ‘unto myself’ and begin following him spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. Daily dying to self, putting to death the fear of death makes this journey less painful.

Read Matthew 4:12-25

  1. What do I need to repent of that is preventing me from hearing God’s call?
  2. What noise can I remove from my life, so that I can better hear God?
  3. As Jesus says to me, ‘ come follow me,’ what do I need to lay aside?
  4. What pain in my life is blocking me from following Jesus?

Passage For Meditation

Come follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people. Matthew 4:19


Father, show me what blocks my hearing your call. Help me to turn away from it, leave it, and follow you. Help me not to delay, compromise my faith, and hold onto to the things of this world. I give my pain, frustration, and disappointment over to you. Heal me and enable me to follow you. I believe, help me overcome my unbelief.

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