To be happy as a materialist is possible. Dave Peard once said to me that money couldn’t buy happiness, but you could buy a Porsche and drive up real close to it. I’ve given it some thought, and I think I’ve figured out how you can be happy as a materialist. First, carefully guard your base of friends and make …
Without God, Worship Much Easier
Without God, maybe I can improve some things at church. About halfway through Sinclair Lewis’ 1927 classic, Elmer Gantry, Elmer boasts to another minister about all his church programs, how fast his church is growing, and how many new members have joined, etc. After this braggadocio, the other minister asks, ‘Elmer why don’t you believe in God?’ Until recently I …
Westboro Baptist Church – A Shining Light
I confess that sometimes it takes a while for me to fully understand situations, and I’m a little slow. The activities of Westboro Baptist Church used to worry me. Since non-Christians and neutral observers viewed them through the media, I worried that they would think Westboro Baptist Church represented Jesus and and his message. I truly failed to recognize the …
New Version of the Bible
To Promote Relevance a New Version of the Bible is Available To promote tolerance, pluralism, ambiguity and ambivalence, a new version of the Bible has recently been released. This new version of the Bible, called Anybody’s Version of the Bible (ABV), promises to be one of the most exciting versions released in recent history. As some church leaders and consultants …