Fasting Recommended Charities

. Recommended Charities


On your fasting days, donate the money that you would have spent on food to charities committed to feeding the hungry, helping children, or taking care of others who can’t care for themselves.

Two of my favorites are:

MANA nutrition

MANA makes MANA (Mother Administered Nutritive Aid), a ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) made of a fortified peanut paste that has been carefully formulated to provide a child’s basic nutritional needs. Roughly three servings of MANA a day for six weeks can save the life of child suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM).

Donate here:

Christian Relief Fund

Christian Relief Fund focuses on rescuing orphans and vulnerable children from poverty. Their programs are dedicated to providing food, clean water, education, spiritual training, healthcare and disaster relief.

Donate here: