Produce Fruit in Keeping with Repentance: Devotional, Matthew Three

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance? What does it mean to produce fruit? As a child I thought I could hide things from my parents, and sometimes I was able to get away with some things and keep some secrets. Sometimes I might now think God is far away, that he doesn’t see me, and that I can keep secrets …

Not a God of Wishful Thinking or Religious Sentimentality: Devotion, Matthew 2

God is not a god of wishful thinking based on my expectations or sentiments. Religious sentimentality and religious wishful thinking may feel good but give little value or substance to face the difficulties of life. Although I like to feel good, and the holiday season is very pleasant, I must go beyond this if I am to have a relationship …

The Portability of God’s Provision

I just posted on Twitter, ‘I love the portability of God’s provision.’ I mentioned it as a random thought of gratitude, but as I thought about it a little more, the idea expanded and deepened for me. I travel a lot, and I backpack. The thing I dislike about both, the packing. Packing for normal trips comes almost as second nature. I don’t …