The Daniel Fast – Useful, But Not Same as Biblical Fasting The author of the ‘Daniel Fast’ created a term by linking a name and a word from the Bible. This term, Daniel Fast, misleads readers. How? It leads them to think that a dietary choice Daniel made during a period of mourning qualified as a typical fast. The term …
A Real Life Not a Patched Up Religion: Matthew 9:14-17
A real life promised by Jesus, in this section, he compares reasons for fasting. He implies to his disciples that he will give them a deeper relational purpose for fasting in the future. In contrast, he will not impose fasting on them as an ascetic, traditional, religious practice. Again his focus in on the inner life, not on adhering to …
Done in Secret: A Measure of Belief, Devotional Matthew 6:1-18
‘ Done in secret’ sometimes carries a seedy connotation. These three things done in secret express spirituality, Jesus says these things done in secret provide a measure of his reward. He emphasizes focus on my relationship with him, not on how others view me. Jesus wants me to focus on him, on depending on him to do the impossible, not …
Miracles Part of the Journey Not the End: June 3, Devotional Readings
This post Miracles Part of the Journey Not the End and the previous two are an experiment to make the blog more relevant and useful to readers. Starting with tomorrow’s post, I will narrow the discussion to one chapter from the New Testament. Miracles part of the spiritual journey, not the end, in other words, the purpose of miracles was …