Jesus What Do I Do? Jesus what do I do is the correct question not what would Jesus do? I’ve never been fond of religious jewelry and trinkets, except for an occasional classic cross. When WWJD became popular, I conceived some value in the phrase as a reminder of what we are to be about, but I didn’t run out …
Praying Workers are Few Matthew 9:35-38
Today, praying workers are few. Why? Praying workers are few because many church workers look to the need described here, ‘harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd,’ run out to meet the need, but disobey the command stated here, ‘Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers.’ The command contained here is to ‘ask the Lord,’ …
New Years Resolution for Blogging
A New Year’s Resolution for me this year as I start to blog again after a few months away from it is to make sure that when I first read and write about scripture is to first reflect upon how it applies to me. Sometimes last year I tried to remove specks when there was a plank in my own …
Counterfeit Christianity, How to Avoid: Matthew 7:21—29
Counterfeit Christianity might have an outward appearance of the real thing, but it is really just appearance or form theology. Counterfeit Christianity lacks the depth of a relationship with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. In this passage is the essential difference between religion and Christianity. Religious people stand before Jesus and point at the things they have …
Just Looking Good Isn’t Enough, Devotional Matthew 5:21-32
Just Looking Good Isn’t Enough Just looking good isn’t enough for God. As long as my focus is on my goodness and my effort to be good—or even my effort to be good in front of others, this section makes no sense because Jesus is not talking about meeting minimum standards, looking good, or just getting by. He is talking …
Pray and Fast for Syrian Christians
Pray and fast for Syrian Christians. According to The Voice of the Martyrs, “Christians in Syria are fleeing en masse from threats, kidnappings, rapes and murders. …hundreds are crossing the border into Turkey and Lebanon daily. Sadly, these panic-stricken refugees have faced horrific circumstances and ongoing threats. A Government that Failed to Protect Them Some point to a government that …
Forgetting to Breathe and Preventing Spiritual Anorexia
Preventing Spiritual Anorexia: Believing Differently Preventing spiritual anorexia as I have written before, requires seeing differently, we must believe differently. Changing what I believe is usually difficult. Fasting used as a focal lens for prayer and as a tool to help me understand my true dependency upon God can aid me in shifting and changing my framework of beliefs. Getting …