Jesus What Do I Do? Jesus what do I do is the correct question not what would Jesus do? I’ve never been fond of religious jewelry and trinkets, except for an occasional classic cross. When WWJD became popular, I conceived some value in the phrase as a reminder of what we are to be about, but I didn’t run out …
Counterfeit Christianity, How to Avoid: Matthew 7:21—29
Counterfeit Christianity might have an outward appearance of the real thing, but it is really just appearance or form theology. Counterfeit Christianity lacks the depth of a relationship with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. In this passage is the essential difference between religion and Christianity. Religious people stand before Jesus and point at the things they have …
Limited Time to Read, Read the Bible First
Limited time to read? Read what sustains and transforms you. In order to make disciples, we must be disciples. And disciples must have a direct relationship with God. We cannot expect to be disciples if we don’t regularly talk with and listen to God. We must understand that he is not only Savior but is also Lord. He speaks to …
Chief of Sinners
Chief of Sinners Paul describes himself as the chief of sinners. This also refers to an experience all maturing as disciples must go through. A day will come when all of us will think of ourselves as the chief of sinners. My stepfather, one of the top ten blessings in my life, and I agree on many things. As a …