Fasting? Fasting? Why? Do I desire a close personal connection with God? Do I desire a relationship with my Lord like no other I experience? A fasting day dedicated to seeking a close connection with God and a greater understanding of my need for Him provides a perfect time to reflect upon my calling and the condition of our relationship. …
Fear of Death
Fear of death drove most cultural thought, behavior, life, and religion before the crucifixion of Christ. Jesus conquered death on the cross. As a result, as Christianity expanded, the Gospel message of freedom from the fear of death enthusiastically liberated every culture it touched. What happened? It took a little over a hundred years for the responses of many of …
Idolatry or God
Today we build economies by creating marketing messages or stories to make ourselves believe that we want a product and ultimately need it. In comparison, in the ancient world, pagan prophets served as marketers, and entire economies were built on idol worship. Idolatry continues to flourish; even today some idols live among things we think necessary. Modern forms include: materialism, …