Fasting, Calling, and Managing the Naaman Complex

Fasting? Fasting? Why? Do I desire a close personal connection with God? Do I desire a relationship with my Lord like no other I experience? A fasting day dedicated to seeking a close connection with God and a greater understanding of my need for Him provides a perfect time to reflect upon my calling and the condition of our relationship. …

What Do I Pray For? Part 1 of Prayer III

What do I pray for?  I’ve examined my concept of God. I accept that God loves me, wants me to love him, and rewards those who seek Him. I’ve discussed belief. Now, what do I pray for, or what should I pray for? Before I give my answer, my opinion of course, to this matter, lets return to my concept …

Answered Prayer: How to Get There

I near the final goal, answered prayer and how to get there. So I’ve discussed: concept of God, believing is seeing, what to pray for, how to pray, and how often should I pray. If I have been reading and starting to apply previous posts, I will start to grasp what Oswald Chambers writes in yesterdays reading in My Utmost …

Judging Others the Way You Want to Be Judged, Matthew 7:1-6

Judging others is wrong I am told. I hear this and I think perhaps I cannot decide what a person has just done is wrong. This passage doesn’t mean I if I see a bad behavior or hear an unkind word or witness a crime, I can’t think it wrong. What I cannot do is make a decision about that …

Miracles Part of the Journey Not the End: June 3, Devotional Readings

This post Miracles Part of the Journey Not the End and the previous two are an experiment to make the blog more relevant and useful to readers. Starting with tomorrow’s post, I will narrow the discussion to one chapter from the New Testament. Miracles part of the spiritual journey, not the end, in other words, the purpose of miracles was …

View of Others? Changing It Requires Raising the Dead

In thinking about how to change my view of others or forgiving, I find it appropriate and divinely serendipitous that today’s writing in Chamber’s My Utmost for His Highest coincides with my reading of Mark 9 and occurs the week before Easter. During Easter I think more about miracles. This relates greatly to what I think and believe about people. …

Listen to God

Few Christians dispute the need to listen to God, but Oswald Chambers wrote in the February 12 writing of My Utmost for His Highest that we frequently do not listen to God. ‘We don’t consciously and deliberately disobey God—we simply don’t listen to Him.’ Rather than to listen to God, Chambers goes further to say we prefer to listen to …