How Often Should I Pray? The Value of Persistence in Prayer: Prayer V

How often should I pray? God heard me the first time, didn’t he? Yes. So why do I need to ask again? And again? Persistence in Prayer is Important. Why? 1. Persistence in prayer, coming to God over the same question or problem and reading his word, will cause ancillary distractions and personal deception to drop off and fade away. …

What Do I Pray For? Part 1 of Prayer III

What do I pray for?  I’ve examined my concept of God. I accept that God loves me, wants me to love him, and rewards those who seek Him. I’ve discussed belief. Now, what do I pray for, or what should I pray for? Before I give my answer, my opinion of course, to this matter, lets return to my concept …

Answered Prayer: How to Get There

I near the final goal, answered prayer and how to get there. So I’ve discussed: concept of God, believing is seeing, what to pray for, how to pray, and how often should I pray. If I have been reading and starting to apply previous posts, I will start to grasp what Oswald Chambers writes in yesterdays reading in My Utmost …

Jesus What Do I Do? – Correct Question

Jesus What Do I Do? Jesus what do I do is the correct question not what would Jesus do? I’ve never been fond of religious jewelry and trinkets, except for an occasional classic cross. When WWJD became popular, I conceived some value in the phrase as a reminder of what we are to be about, but I didn’t run out …

Praying Workers are Few Matthew 9:35-38

Today, praying workers are few. Why? Praying workers are few because many church workers look to the need described here, ‘harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd,’ run out to meet the need, but disobey the command stated here, ‘Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers.’ The command contained here is to ‘ask the Lord,’ …

Pray and Fast for Syrian Christians

Pray and fast for Syrian Christians. According to The Voice of the Martyrs, “Christians in Syria are fleeing en masse from threats, kidnappings, rapes and murders. …hundreds are crossing the border into Turkey and Lebanon daily. Sadly, these panic-stricken refugees have faced horrific circumstances and ongoing threats. A Government that Failed to Protect Them Some point to a government that …

Prayer, Chronic vs. Acute and the Desperate Choice

The Solution for Desperate Choice Desperate choice calls for desperate prayer. With prayer, I always mix chronic and acute needs. Ongoing issues, circumstances, obstacles, and constraints list the chronic needs that I face where prayer provides daily sustenance until my deliverance. Acute needs are those immediate needs, things happening right now where I need help, right now. God knows what I …