The Daniel Fast – Useful, But Not Same as Biblical Fasting The author of the ‘Daniel Fast’ created a term by linking a name and a word from the Bible. This term, Daniel Fast, misleads readers. How? It leads them to think that a dietary choice Daniel made during a period of mourning qualified as a typical fast. The term …
Prayer II: Believing is Seeing
Believing is Seeing Counter-intuitive to Seeing is Believing? Believing is seeing seems counter-intuitive. Prayer requires belief at least a little at first to get started. In Food in God’s Place (out of print for now), Anna learns that belief requires an act of the will, a choice, a choice that she can reinforce with power from the Holy Spirit. Further, …
Am I Earnest?
Am I Earnest? ‘And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.’ Hebrews 11:6 (NIV) He rewards those who earnestly seek him? The root origin of earnest implies a pledge and serious intent. This earnestness means I must oppose a …
Prayer Fasting Guide
Prayer Fasting Guide? The one I promised to complete long ago? Well Food in God’s Place is in rewrite and it will be out at some point, but there is a novel to be finished first. For now, review this page: Guide to Fasting
Chief of Sinners
Chief of Sinners Paul describes himself as the chief of sinners. This also refers to an experience all maturing as disciples must go through. A day will come when all of us will think of ourselves as the chief of sinners. My stepfather, one of the top ten blessings in my life, and I agree on many things. As a …
Not The Daniel Fast, but The Daniel Diet
The Daniel Fast or the Daniel Diet? As with the Daniel Fast, there is some confusion about what fasting means. In Food in God’s Place, Robbie makes fun of Anna’s fasting when he says that he fasted from candy bars. Like with Robbie, there seems to be some confusion over fasting. In chapter one of the Book of Daniel, we learn …