Twitter Followers if reading this, I probably invited you to do so. Thank you for your favs and retweets. Please follow each other from the tweeted invite. I appreciate the encouragement and dialogue. I wanted to share with you some of the things I’ve learned about Twitter since I started using it this past March. Do I view Twitter Followers as …
The Portability of God’s Provision
I just posted on Twitter, ‘I love the portability of God’s provision.’ I mentioned it as a random thought of gratitude, but as I thought about it a little more, the idea expanded and deepened for me. I travel a lot, and I backpack. The thing I dislike about both, the packing. Packing for normal trips comes almost as second nature. I don’t …
Twitter, the Same Rules Apply
I starting using Twitter back in February because Adrian Warnock in the UK said it was essential part of blogging. It wasn’t as painful as I anticipated and Twitter provides a way to share thoughts too small for a blog. It seems a no-brainer that who you follow dictates largely who follows you, but too much traffic comes from people …