How often should I pray? God heard me the first time, didn’t he? Yes. So why do I need to ask again? And again? Persistence in Prayer is Important. Why? 1. Persistence in prayer, coming to God over the same question or problem and reading his word, will cause ancillary distractions and personal deception to drop off and fade away. …
Jesus What Do I Do? – Correct Question
Jesus What Do I Do? Jesus what do I do is the correct question not what would Jesus do? I’ve never been fond of religious jewelry and trinkets, except for an occasional classic cross. When WWJD became popular, I conceived some value in the phrase as a reminder of what we are to be about, but I didn’t run out …
How to Pray, Prayer IV
So we’ve talked about our concept of God, believing is seeing, and what to pray for. I find that many people when they ask how to pray are looking for a structure or framework. Matthew 6:9-14 and Luke 11:2-4 are good frameworks or structures for how to pray. I’ve been practicing the ACTS method for so long, I don’t remember …
What Would Jesus Do? WWJD?—Wrong Question
What Would Jesus Do? Concept vs. Relationship What would Jesus do? It is a phrase that many use to remind themselves of a better path. The problem with the question is that we can use it to create a theoretical concept that we worship rather than maintaining a relationship with the living Christ. In Food in God’s Place, (Currently …