The Virgin Birth the First Miracle and Mystery of Jesus, but Genealogy Full of Miraculous Matthew presents the virgin birth as the first miracle of Jesus life. A study of the stories of his genealogy will reveal many interesting personalities and backgrounds. Many “respectable people” through the centuries put forth great effort in highlighting only the honorable parts of their …
Just Looking Good Isn’t Enough, Devotional Matthew 5:21-32
Just Looking Good Isn’t Enough Just looking good isn’t enough for God. As long as my focus is on my goodness and my effort to be good—or even my effort to be good in front of others, this section makes no sense because Jesus is not talking about meeting minimum standards, looking good, or just getting by. He is talking …
How to Pray, Prayer IV
So we’ve talked about our concept of God, believing is seeing, and what to pray for. I find that many people when they ask how to pray are looking for a structure or framework. Matthew 6:9-14 and Luke 11:2-4 are good frameworks or structures for how to pray. I’ve been practicing the ACTS method for so long, I don’t remember …